Wednesday, September 30, 2020

More Love

This very romantic honeymoon - which was also so very typical for our characters - brings the 'Trials and Tribulations' story arc to an end. And what a journey it has been :-)
Tomorrow the fourth arc, called 'Keep It Going', is going to start. And it'll follow our heroes as they try to keep more going than just their marriage.


  1. Excellent series, very entertaining.

  2. Aww, this is cute. I do really like this series - lots of variety, but it's all tied together by the main characters and their development.

    I've been wondering if the movie characters are actual people with actual feelings and conscious experience, or if they're just imitations somehow. If they *are* people, then do they die when Steve and Harry leave the movie? Are Steve and Harry actually horrible people for the things they've sometimes done to the characters while they're alive? And if they're *not* people, then was it so bad for Steve to kiss Jack Black? I mean, isn't that like "cheating" by kissing a sex doll?

    1. Thanks for the kind words :)

      And while we don't give definitive answers to the questions you pose (we are dealing with magic here after all), we do have chapters coming up that explore some of these themes. So... Stay tuned :)
